Economy Talk with Kris Jacobs and Kevin Ristau of JOBS NOW COALITION

Join me Nov. 9th at 6pm KYMN Radio 1080 AM for a conversation about the job situation in Minnesota with Kris Jacobs and Kevin Ristau of the Minnesota JOBS NOW Coalition.

JOBS NOW Coalition is statewide research and policy coalition dedicated to promoting jobs that pay a family supporting wage—enough for a family to pay for basic needs. We are organized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit institution and based in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

There goal is a Minnesota where everyone who is able and willing to work can work, where all jobs pay a family-supporting wage or better, and where work of every kind is respected and valued.

They compile solid research—including our groundbreaking Family Wage and Budget Calculator—to help government, businesses, nonprofits, and the public understand how jobs that support families historically have been generated and how we can generate these jobs now and into the future.

The payoff for Minnesota is expanded prosperity and a reduced future burden on state and local resources as the family-supporting wage, rather than assistance, comes to provide for the bulk of family needs.

That’s Nov. 9th at 6pm on 1080 Am and remember if you don’t live in the area you can listen online by going to and look for Economy Talk.  I’ll post the link to the archive as soon as it is up.

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