I have re-written and updated “The Middle Class Agenda” as “We All Do Better” you can order a copy from Itasca Books by going their link here
Click on photo above to open The Middle Class Agenda PDF.
A new text advocating a new framework for addressing the problem of our declining middle class society and growing inequality.
You might also be interested in the conference handout with the booklet introduction:
Below you will find links to reports and support information from the Minnesota non-profit Growth & Justice, and the Minnesota Jobs Coalition.
“Growing Inequality” http://growthandjustice.org/publication/EconomicInequality.pdf
“Beyond the Affordable Care Act.” http://growthandjustice.org/publication/BeyondACA.pdf
“Smart Investments: Education” http://growthandjustice.org/images/uploads/Final_SIMS_Report.pdf
“Climate Uncertainty” http://growthandjustice.org/publication/ClimateChange.pdf
“Smart Investments: Transportation” http://growthandjustice.org/images/uploads/SITMN.pdf
Cost of Living http://www.jobsnowcoalition.org/econ-lit/cost-of-living/cost-of-living.html
“2010 Cost of Living Report” http://www.jobsnowcoalition.org/reports/2010/cost-of-living2010.pdf
“Wage Calculator” http://www.jobsnowcoalition.org/calculator/calculator.html