About David

Website: http://davidbly.com
David has written 716 articles so far, you can find them below.

Supporting farmers in Minnesota is a bipartisan issue.

  Supporting farmers in Minnesota is a bipartisan issue. We often hear how we should support all kinds of agriculture and I agree. Whether Republicans or Democrats controlled agriculture committees, we’ve been united in our goal to make sure farmers in Minnesota thrive. However, just like you can’’ t fit everything you might want to […]

Why are we hearing so much about Building and Solar Energy Increasing

Recently, MPR reported “Community solar gardens go rural” (click on title to read the story) and earlier this  year you may have noticed a gathering of solar energy enthusiast at Carleton College: “Minnesotans came together at Carleton College’s Weitz Center in Northfield on Thursday, August 21st to learn about community solar gardens and three projects around […]

An economy that works for everyone

By State Representative David Bly Guest Column Minnesota is moving in the direction of an economy that works for everyone. Middle class families have a better opportunity to live the American Dream than they did two years ago. There’s a lot more work to be done. Thanks to new policies enacted by the legislature, we’re […]

Northfield News article about the 2014 Campaign

I met with Northfield News reporter Kevin Krein last week to discuss the 2014 campaign. In the article, he stresses my interests in the middle class and income inequality (see my Northfield News article as well), the need for affordable health care, the importance of offering Minnesotans a quality education, and the need to take […]

Minnesota Will Monitor Recent Travelers from West Africa

According to a news release by the Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota will begin a monitoring program for people who have recently traveled in West Africa. If you plan on traveling and need to rent a car visit http://www.rentco.com.au. The framework for the program involves identifying travelers based on their possible exposure to the Ebola […]

Refreshments at a Refreshing Setting: Join us at the Thorsteinson’s on Sept. 11

Join Representative Patti Fritz and host Mike Thorsteinson for a Fundraiser for my campaign on Thursday, September 11, 2014, 4pm to 7 pm at 20110 Geneva Court, Faribault, MN on Cedar Lake. Light refreshments will be served.  Please come an bring a friend! To rsvp or get directions should you get lost call Mike’s cell […]


I’m pleased to report that I received an endorsement from Clean Water Action.   Their statement, “Clean Water Action is proud to endorse David Bly for the Minnesota House. David will be an environmental champion in the legislature and will fight to protect our water and health,” reinforces the impact that thoughtful legislation has on our […]