Economy Talk with Dan Dimick

If you listened Wed. July 20th you heard my conversation with Dan Dimick, a therapist, who works with a number of vulnerable people in our area and he describes what potential budget cuts mean for those constituents and wonders how we will meet their needs if as a society we don’t see the value in helping them.   The archived link can be found here

Also from Rick Hansen here is an update on the results of the session:

During the special session a lot of budget spreadsheets and letters are distributed to members.  Attached is a letter prepared by the nonpartisan House Fiscal department explaining the tobacco securitization and appropriation bonds.  Minnesota has never before used such bonding for general fund appropriations (operating).  Bonding for capital projects is allowed, but bonding for operating is Constitutionally questionable.

Here is a story on the tax bill from the nonpartisan Session Daily


The following is a nonpartisan House Research description of this:


The DNR has updated their web page to describe campground re-openings, licenses and other activities coming out of the shutdown.


The Outdoor Heritage Council FY2013 Call for Funding Request closed on Friday, July 15th.  It received 43 proposals totaling over $207 million.  All proposals can be viewed hereThese proposals will be considered for recommendation to the 2012 legislature.


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