Join me this Wed. Sept. 21 for an interview with Jennifer Labovitz, chair of the Council on Crime and Justice. We will talk about the economic impact of policies that have made America the number one jailer. Spending so much on keeping so many people in prison takes a toll on our ability to fund schools and provide health care. Are so many Americans so dangerous that the need to be locked up or could we deal with non-violent offenders in different ways? Those are some of the issues we will talk about with Jennifer who has worked with the Council on Crime and justice for the past 17 years. A leader in the field of social and criminal justice in Minnesota for over 50 years, the Council is at the forefront of developing new concepts and programs in alternative sanctions, offender services, victims’ rights, restorative justice, and systems change. Through research, project demonstration and advocacy the Council seeks to build community capacity to address the causes and consequences of crime.
So listen in at 6pm on KYMN 1080 AM or listen on line at