Jeffrey Sachs and “Future Now”

sachs2017_bgJeffrey Sachs, Columbia University Professor and director of the Earth Institute has joined entrepreneur Adam Pritzker and former New York State Senator Daniel Squadron to begin the Future Now project to achieve ‘America’s Goals’ by 2030. Much of the proposal is mentioned in his recent book, Building the New American Economy: Smart, Fair, and Sustainable.

Much of what is in the Future Now project is similar to what I am advocating for in “We All Do Better” I have pledged to work with them and promote their effort. I received today the following email message from Director of Policy, Lauren Ellis:

Dear Representative Bly:
Are you looking for policy solutions that will work for you and help your constituents?

Click here by Dec. 31 to become a Founding Signer of the Pledge to Achieve America’s Goals, and get access to policy solutions and support to help achieve America’s Goals, a set of ambitious, measurable targets that reflect shared American values in seven areas:

Good Jobs; Affordable Quality Healthcare; Investing in Children; Empowering People over Special Interests; Equal Opportunity; Sustainable Infrastructure, Resilience and Innovation; and Clean Air, Water, and Energy.

Candidates and legislators around the country have already taken the Pledge. Will you join as a Founding Signer by signing the Pledge to Achieve America’s Goals today?

Sign the Pledge to Achieve America’s Goals
Future Now, a new, state-by-state effort founded by economist Jeffrey Sachs, entrepreneur Adam Pritzker, and former State Senator Daniel Squadron to achieve America’s Goals, will work with our Founding Signers to bridge the political divide and implement the most effective strategies to achieve America’s Goals in their states by 2030.

We hope you will join us.

Please let us know if you would like any further information on Future Now or the Pledge to Achieve America’s Goals. We look forward to working with you.


Lauren Ellis
Director of Policy and Legal
Future Now

If you’re a policy maker I encourage you to sign on to this effort as well. There could never be a more important time to reinvest in public goods as our current President and the majorities in the House and Senate are undermining important social safety nets.

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