Legislative Auditor Reports

The Legislative Auditor released several new reports today:

1. Minnesota State Academies – The report contains 16 findings
related to internal control and legal compliance deficiencies. They
indicate there are serious weaknesses in the academies’ overall
financial management and accounting operations.
2. Minnesota Veterans Home in Minneapolis – The report contains 18
findings related to weak internal controls and noncompliance with
finance-related legal requirements. These weaknesses indicate an
unacceptable level of management control over the homes’ financial
3. Veterans Home Board – This report contains 2 findings related to
noncompliance with travel and payroll requirements and 2 findings
related to weak internal controls over the transfer of fixed assets and
securing records. The board was dissolved in November 2007, and its
responsibilities were transferred to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

More information about these reports can be found on the MN Auditor’s website.

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