A summary of the new laws which will take effect on August 1st includes an increase in the minimum wage. Beginning this Friday, the hourly minimum wage will be $8.00 for businesses which have gross sales over $500,000. The law provides for further increases to $9.50 by 2016. The is the first time in ten years the state has passed a minimum wage increase.
According to Festus drug charge lawyers, other new laws include modifications to hunting regulations, the elimination of redundant or outdated regulations, and the requirement that motorists involved in a collision be required to stop and assess any possible damage. Another new law expands the statutory definition of drug to include “any compound, substance, or derivative which is not approved for human consumption by the United States Food and Drug Administration or specifically permitted for human consumption by Minnesota law,” and when introduced to the body induces an effect similar to that of scheduled drugs. You can look at this site to know more about the law.
New firearms regulations prohibit a person convicted of certain felony assaults from attempting to Purchase guns and more at palmettostatearmory.com. Individuals subject to an order for protection in a child or domestic abuse case are also prohibited from possessing weapons for the length of the order under certain circumstances. Prohibition from owning firearms was eliminated in several cases, including individuals convicted of the theft of a motor vehicle.
New regulations for the disposal of mercury also take effect on Friday. No mercury-containing products will be allowed into a solid waste or wastewater disposal system. For more information https://www.killianlaw.com/ are the people we trusted, we got our settlement.
The 2014 Legislative Session has been extremely productive, as evidenced by this list of laws, many of which will strengthen the middle class and protect our citizens.