New Laws Effective July 1, 2008

Several new laws went into effect this week, including many of the major budget bills we passed this session. Unless otherwise noted, enactment dates for any budget bills is always July 1st of the year the bill passed. Enactment for policy bills is August 1st unless otherwise noted.

Here are a few of the new laws now on the books in Minnesota:

– Our major budget-balancing bill is now law. The bill resolves a $935 million budget deficit with measured spending cuts, use of budget reserves, and closure of foreign operation companies tax loopholes. The bill also funds a $51 per-pupil increase to every school district in the state and increase funding for Minnesota nursing homes by $15 million.

– The Green Solutions Act of 2008 is now law, which calls for studies by the Commerce Department and the Pollution Control Agency on potential impacts of cap-and-trade. The law makes a one-time appropriation of $500,000 for the study.

– The Abigail Taylor Pool Safety Act is now law, which is named after the Edina six-year-old who tragically lost her life sustaining injuries due to an uncovered pool drain. The new law requires owners of public pools to provide information to the Health Department about their pools and the drain covers in order to renew or receive a license to operate

– Sixteen year-olds can now donate blood with written permission from their parent or guardian.

– Rights for domestic abuse victims were strengthened. An Order for Protection against a violent, repeat offender can now be issued for up to 50 years in certain situations where a violent domestic abuser has repeatedly terrorized their victim.

– The Board of Water and Soil Resources will receive a General Fund increase of $235,000, with nearly $500,000 going toward a cost-share program to help areas flooded in 2007.

– $180,000 is added to a “state navigator” position to coordinate state programs to help soldiers and their families during the reintegration process

– Spouses can use up to 12 semester hours annually of a National Guard member’s unused tuition reimbursement benefit if the member has completed at least 8 years of service.

For more information to review laws click here.

One thought on “New Laws Effective July 1, 2008

  1. David, thanks for posting this. I passed it along to a friend of mine. She works at a nursing home and posted it on a bulletin board at work because of its specific relevancy.