I will be joining Rep. Mindy Greiling and Rep. Patti Fritz this evening to discuss the proposed finance reform that Rep. Greiling will introduce in the coming session. I support this effort to rethink how Minnesota schools are funded I hope you will join us for the presentation and discussion.
MONDAY, September 15, 2008
7:00 PM
Committee: K-12 Finance Division
Room: Faribault Middle School Auditorium; 704 17th St. SW
Chair: Rep. Mindy Greiling
Agenda: K-12 Education Finance update
HF4178 (Greiling) Modifying the school finance system and creating a new education funding framework
Here is what the Parents United for Public Schools website has to say about it:
The New Minnesota Miracle
A Public School Funding Plan for the 21st Century
“For the first time, we’re actually providing enough money to fairly fund the needs of every student and every district, so they can meet the academic expectations we set for them.” – Rep.Mindy Greiling
“Making sure that every student is prepared to succeed in the 21st century marketplace – whether they go on to college or vocational school, or enter the workforce – is a value we can all stand behind. I look forward to making the vision of a New Minnesota Miracle a reality that works for every Minnesota school and student.” – Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson KelliherThe New Minnesota Miracle
* Simplifies and increases state public school funding
* Is fair, balanced and needs based
* Reduces property taxes
* Lays a foundation for every student to succeed when they graduate from high school
* The proposal begins a phased increase to school funding of $1.7 billion beginning in 2010, while reducing property taxes by $600 million
* Increases the formula allowance from $5,175 to $7,500, indexed to the implicit price deflator
* Uses a scalable blueprint that can be phased in over several years
* Equalizes the pupil weighting system for students in kindergarten through high school to 1.0
* Enhances compensatory aid and funding for English language learners
* Fully funds voluntary all-day kindergarten
* Fully funds state special education costs by removing existing caps
* Provides flexibility for districts to fund early childhood programs
* Accounts for declining enrollment in every geographic region of the state
* Includes a levy referendum offset of $500 per pupil in districts with levies; provides $500 per pupil to districts without a levy in place
* Includes innovation and accountability measures including a requirement that a district use at least 1.5 percent of its basic revenue for innovation, research-based programs to improve academic performance
* Creates a new school bond agricultural credit equal to 20 percent of the property tax on agricultural properties attributable to school bond levies