Once again it’s been a busy week

Early Tuesday morning, I attended a Northfield Downtown Development Corporation meeting on taxes in downtown Northfield. Here I am visiting with At-Large Councilmember, Kris Vohs, after the meeting.

Wednesday, I attended the annual Hemenway Luncheon that featured Al Franken as the main speaker. I took a few minutes with Al before he spoke to ask him for some legal advice.

Some of you may know the feud Al has had with Fox News celebrity Bill O’Reilly. I shared my story with Al and asked him, “What I should do when someone threatens me with a baseless law suit?” He looked at me and said, “Oh you’re the pie guy, I’ve heard about this.” He chuckled and said, “Well, what you have to do is thank them profusely, and encourage them if you can.”

After the luncheon, I drove over to St. Paul to file at the Secretary of State’s office for the House 25B seat.

Later, that evening, I met with a group of former Howard Dean supporters at the Ruminator Bookstore in St. Paul. While I talked about my campaign and Thorstein Veblen’s theory about Predatory Capitalism, some of the attendees helped themselves to their share of the pie.

On the way home, I reflected on the great 4th of July weekend we’d had. It was such a beautiful day.

Here I am with two friends, David Sudermann and Jim Christensen, practicing Howard Mohr’s Minnesota men’s talk etiquette. A good part of the afternoon, we were entertained by bike races and music.

The bands played late into the evening and Griff Wiggley did a great job of capturing the events and displaying them on his Northfield website.

Earlier that day, I marched in the Veseli Parade and had a lot of fun introducing myself to voters.

These two wanted their picture taken with the ‘pie guy’:

We had about 20 marchers in the parade including my daughter, Julia, and Terry Rogers helped out by snapping these photos.

On Thursday, I got a call from Tom Hauser of KSTP, who said he wanted to come down to Northfield and ask me a few questions about our ‘Bly and Pie in the park’ events he’d read about in the St. Paul paper. He’d also read the blog and was interested in Jeane Poppe’s ‘Popscicles in the Park’ events I’d mentioned. Here’s the result:

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