Region Nine’s Renewable Energy Task Force will be hosting a workshop on December 13 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the Minnesota Valley Room at the Intergovernmental Center in Mankato, MN.
The first half of the meeting will focus on the Guaranteed Energy Savings Program, which is a financial tool to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy measures in public facilities. Lindsay Wimmer, the GESP Outreach Coordinator from Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) will head the discussion.
The second half of the meeting will focus on the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program, which is a innovative way to finance energy efficiency and rewnewable energy upgrades to buildings. Bruce Barnum the Field Representative for the Southern Minnesota Office of the United States Senator Al Franken and Pete Klein the Vice President of Finance for the St. Paul Port Authority will lead the discussion.
If you are interested in attending and have not RSVP’ed please contact Danielle Walchuk at