9 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Rep. Bly,

    Artech School is putting in 2 KW of solar PV. Because of your strong interest in energy legislation it would be good if you could make the grand opening of solar project.

    I will keep you posted when we get a date.

    Hope all is well.

    Peter Hark

  2. Thanks Peter,

    I have been in contact with some of the students and wrote a letter on their behalf. I hope to be able to make it. This is an exciting project.

  3. Clay Oglesbee says:

    Representative Bly:

    Thank you for your remarks at our church over the last couple of weeks. I had hoped to visit with you, but was occupied with other things. We appreciate your visit, and I wanted to apologize for the long service on Sunday that affected the starting time for your remarks.

    Gratefully and respectfully,
    Clay Oglesbee, Pastor
    Northfield United Methodist Church

  4. Steve Edwins says:

    See separate direct e-mail to

    Issues summary:

    1. Save Central Corridor Light Rail, maybe compromised.

    2. Include Vermillion site for a new State Park.
    A timely MUST.

    3. Alternative FED funding for the Vets Hospital?

  5. I posted questions about CapX 2020 transmission and other electricity questions for you and Rud.

  6. Mr. Gerald Werlinger says:

    Can you please let me know what you views are on the bail out? I do hope you are in collaboration with Mrs. Michele Bachmann. I am in favor of her voting NO on the bailout.
    I do hope you take the time to respond to your emails.

  7. Dear Mr. Bly, please don’t allow any cutbacks on Minnesota Health Care, my son would have no insurance without it,even though he’s an adult. I totally support Obamas Health Plan (single payer preferably), that’s why I voted for him.

  8. Mary Rossing says:

    Hello David,
    Two things:
    First, I hope you will be attending the dedication ceremony of the Peggy Prowe Pedestrian Bridge on Saturday, August 15th at 9am, followed by the Mayor’s Tour d’ Art bike tour immediately following.

    You now doubt have been following the City of Northfield’s interest in pursuing green development for our business park. We are in the process of choosing a firm to help with the master development of the 530 acres in the NW corner of town. I have been reading with interest about the funding that is going to Lindstrom’s efforts in this area. http://www.timberbuysell.com/Community/DisplayNews.asp?id=4723

    Any efforts on our behalf will be appreciated!
    Mayor Mary Rossing

  9. Carleton Smee says:

    Since our federal gov’t has done nothing to actually lower the costs of healthcare, but instead make more money for the insurance companies, how are we going to chanfge that here in our state? Rep. Bly, I don’t want to pay $300 for an aspirin, and $5000 for the doctor to cath my son at his birth. Please help us. Our federal delegation doesn’t seem to want to.

    Also, are we ever going to get a train from Northfield to St. Paul. It was spoken of in the past, but I have no idea where it is at. My wife works in St. Paul and would love it if we had a train so she wouldn’t have to deal with traffic or pay for parking anymore.

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