(A series of blogs on our current economic situation) When you ask the wrong question, you get the wrong answer. That bit of wisdom certainly holds when we face budget deficits measured in the billions of dollars and growing by the day. Here’s what I mean. The question we most often hear is this: “How […]

“My Spirit Sings of Wondrous Things”

I recently attended the St. Olaf Christmas concert and was reminded how moving the choir performances can be. It was a rich selection from a variety of cultural backgrounds of Lutheran and Christian music performed by the various choirs and orchestra. In addition to a number of folk tunes from across the globe I was […]

Minnesota’s Budget Forecast

State Economist Tom Stinson reported this week about Minnesota’s economy and the current budget deficit. According to Stinson, Minnesota is facing the longest and deepest economic recession since 1942. Having already lost 30,000 jobs over the last twelve months, Stinson predicts Minnesota will lose an additional 77,000 jobs by this time next year. The international […]

Minnesota Sesquicentennial Commemoratives

Give the Gift of Statehood: With the holidays fast approaching the Minnesota Sesquicentennial Commission would like to offer some fantastic gift ideas. Visit our website or call 651-296-1870 for a full list of commemorative items for sale. The Sesquicentennial is a yearlong, statewide commemoration of 150 years of statehood and a catalyst to learn from […]

Legislative Auditor Reports

The Legislative Auditor released several new reports today: 1. Minnesota State Academies – The report contains 16 findings related to internal control and legal compliance deficiencies. They indicate there are serious weaknesses in the academies’ overall financial management and accounting operations. 2. Minnesota Veterans Home in Minneapolis – The report contains 18 findings related to […]

Lessard Outdoor Heritage Council

The Lessard Outdoor Heritage Council, named after longtime State Sen. Bob Lessard of International Falls, Minn., is charged with recommending appropriations to restore, protect and enhance wetlands, prairies, forests and habitat for game, fish and wildlife. It has been predicted that the fund will reach approximately $80 million in fiscal year 2010 and $91 million […]

A Little Insight on Wall Street

The recent financial crisis on Wall Street has generated a great many discussions on regulation vs. deregulation.  Phil Gramm (R), retired Senator from Texas, who was the driving force behind deregulation, recently was asked by the New York Times if he still agrees with the policies he set forth to allow less and less oversight […]


Thank you to all who worked so hard on my behalf. Thank you for once again sending me to the legislature on your behalf. Your friendship and support mean so much to me. I will be back in my office two or three days a week working hard on the coming session. There is much […]

Election Night Party

The committee to re-elect Rep. David Bly to his second term in MN House District 25B will be having their victory party at Froggy Bottoms in Northfield. Froggy’s is located at 305 Water Street S, in Northfield. Polls close at 8:00 PM and results should start trickling in around 10:00 PM. All supporters are welcome […]