District Six MN DOT Report

I attended a presentation by the new Commissioner of Transportation, Thomas K. Sorel and District 6 staff of the transportation plans for coming years. They explained that the moneys allocated by the legislature would primarily be used for bridge repair and that although their would be some forward movement on pending projects it would be […]

Minnesota Solar Rebate Programs

The State of Minnesota through the Department of Commerce is offering both a Solar Water Rebate Program as well as a Solar Electric Rebate Program. For more information on these two programs you can click here for guidelines and applications. In addition the Department of Commerce maintains a list of more than 40 renewable energy […]

Minnesota GreenStar

Minnesota GreenStar is a Green building standard and certification program for both existing and new homes that promotes healthy, durable, high performance homes.  The program was designed by a third party to have new homes or remodeling projects certified as green and to ensure that the project is more efficient, healthy and incorporates environmentally sensitive design […]

Saving Our Middle Class Society

The American middle class is losing ground financially and losing hope in what the future holds for themselves and their children. Our middle class society is so threatened that I believe we need bold action. That’s why I have asked the Minnesota Legislature to consider a constitutional amendment that would make it clear that maintaining […]

Update on Lonsdale’s Grande Day Parade

The day was perfect. Sunshine, temps in the low 80’s, and some scattered clouds, that when the sun hid behind them, occasionally cooled the visitors. Meagan and I door knocked for a couple of hours before the start of the Grande Day Parade and we were met by a surprising number of supporters. Just as […]

Lonsdale’s “Grande Day” Parade

The City of Lonsdale is hosting its “Grande Day” Parade on Saturday, August 9, 2008. This will be the 22nd Annual Celebration of the quaint Community of Lonsdale, MN. Come join me and members of my re-election committee as we march in the Lonsdale “Grande Day” Parade.  The Parade is scheduled to start at 2:00 […]

Lake side Campaign Event – Meet Al Franken

Thursday, Aug 7th, 5 to 8pm, come join Rep. Patti Fritz and Sen. Kevin Dahle for a lakeside fund raiser at Mike Thorsteinson’s Cedar Lake home in Shieldsville Township (20110 Geneva Ct.) west of Faribault. Senate Candidate Al Franken has just informed us he plans to attend also. Study the map below and follow the […]

Summer campaign events

In July and August it seems like every time I turn around there is another community event I need to rush off to, they are great fun and a great opportunity to have quick contact with constituents. Not enough time to really hear what they’re thinking but a chance to say hello. On July 4th, […]