Thank you for all your hard work and support. Your dedication and belief in me are much appreciated. I am proud of the effort we put forth and that we talked about the issues that matter to the future of our state and our country. We ran against a very well financed opponent, who to […]

Election Night Gathering!!

Hogan Brothers Cafe415 Division St., NorthfieldNovember 2 from 8:00 p.m. until ???Sponsored by the Rice County DFL Join us! For further information (507) 664-0155 or

Farmers Union County Convention

Thursday evening, after doorknocking, I went to the Farmers Union Rice County Convention. Farmers Union PAC has endorsed me in the 25B race. Some of their priorities last session were promotion of a “seed saver” bill, a lower percentage of permanent easements in the CREP program,ethanol and biodiesel manufacturing and use, restriction of alien ownership […]

Art show – pie – Stephanie’s ducks etc.

Thursday before the Carleton forum, my campaign manager and I made a stop at the “Voice Your Vote” exhibit at St. Olaf. I ran into St. Olaf artist Mac Gimse and Steve and Jennifer Edwins who wished me well in the coming election. We all noted with interest that the exhibit included a slice of […]

Economic development – zero sum game

Friday, I heard Art Rolnick, Senior Vice President and Director of Research Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, speak at the Education Minnesota Conference. His topic was “Early Childhood Education – Economic development with a real return.” He has spent the last ten years studying the research on a variety of forms of economic development and […]

Will the real Elmer please stand up?

Thursday evening I participated in a candidate forum at Carleton College, organized by David Holman of the Wellstone House of Organization and Activism. The many attendees were witness to a good discussion from city, county, and school board candidates, and the House 25B candidates, Rep. Ray Cox and myself. Roy Grow was the moderator and […]

Busy Friday

Here I am on the phone with KDHL’s GORDY KOSFELDHe keeps saying I am hard to get a hold of, makes wild on-air APB’s putting the word out on me, but he can’t seem to call the campaign office, fully staffed and I’m in the book, oh well, and between my work at the ALC […]

St. Olaf College Democrats!

On Thursday evening, St. Olaf College Democrats heard from Mayoral candidates Betsey Buckheit and Lee Lansing as well as County Commissioner Kathleen Doran-Norton and City Council candidates Clarice Grabau and Victor Summa. They all did a fine job talking about the important part college students play in enhancing the life of the Northfield community. I […]

Northfield Education Association

On Wednesday, the 13th, the Northfield Education Association (NEA) held its annual all-member meeting. Two items were on the agenda, setting the annual budget and endorsements of local candidates. The budget discussion took about 15 minutes, and a plan was put into place to evaluate school board candidates. The final issue was resolving the issue […]